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When you feel like quitting, remember why you started.


QUOTE OF THE DAY: When you feel like quitting, remember why you started.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: As I was thinking about what to write today, I thought I would start by going back to the basics.  Why did I start this blog or this email list called Matt’s Motivational Monday?  It was to bring motivational, inspirational content to your inbox every Monday.  But I will be honest, sometimes I don’t feel that inspired or that motivated to get things done.

So then I go back to the basics.

Matt’s basics involve:

1) Wake up early and do a guided meditation using the meditation app called Insight Timer.  This helps me to be centered. 2) Drinking Matt’s morning smoothie. 3) Doing some exercise sometime that day.  I usually find time at lunch to do exercise but it varies.  Sometimes I do a morning workout.  Sometimes I do a lunchtime workout.  Or once a week I do a workout after work. 4) Be thankful.  Find time to be thankful for things in your life.  Write in a gratitude journal. 5) Read inspirational articles or information and emails.

Some interesting articles and websites I go to are:

Also, a good website that I visit once a week is called

This article was posted this week:

And this site is also my go-to site for motivational videos:

Here is my favorite one from

So there you go.  Three websites that can inspire me or motivated me when I am not motivated.


1) When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive―to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love” ―Marcus Aurelius

2) “This is a wonderful day, I have never seen this one before.” ―Maya Angelou

3) Every day you have the unique opportunity to influence someone else’s life.

Share the Matt’s Motivational Monday love:

1) Matt’s Motivational Monday will always be free, but if you feel inclined to support me you can do so here 2) Or share this e-mail or post with a friend who might need some motivation or encouragement this day!

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