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The domino effect…

Happy MONDAY! TGIM! QUOTE OF THE DAY: Your next step is simple. You are the first domino ~ Gary Keller THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: This week in Toastmasters, one of our members hit a home run with an Icebreaker speech about being comfortable with being uncomfortable. Her main points were:

  1. Start. – That’s half the battle.

  2. Don’t quit – You either succeed or you fail, remind yourself why are you doing this?

  3.  Push past your comfort zone.

  4. Embrace the suck.

  5. Be around like-minded people.

  6. Recognize your improvements.

  7.  Repetition.

Right after this speech, I was looking at my email from intelligent change which is an email list I have from using the 5-minute journal.  And I was shocked to see a TED talk with the same title.  If you are interested in that here is the link Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable by Luvvie Ajayi In the talk, she mentions how she likes to be the first domino in a change.  Because being the first domino can have a great effective change.  It can be risky but it’s worth the risk you take in order to bring about change for other people.    This week on Friday I hit 250 check-ins at Camp Gladiator.  That’s 250 hours of work. That’s 250 decisions for my health. That’s 250 times over the past 2 years I have decided to choose to wake up early and go to a 5:00 a.m. or 6:45 a.m. workout.  That’s 250 times of awesome. And 250 times of fun and encouragement and high fives.  That all started because I chose to be the first domino.  I chose to wake up and to commit to my health and well being.  Also on Friday night, I went to an event by Kyle Cease who is a comedian and transformational coach.  It was pretty cool.  I laughed a lot.  I learned somethings.  He talked about how meditation in the morning had changed his life.  He just sits in silence for an hour first thing in the morning.  He talked about living from your heart and living in the moment.  And being more present with yourself.  We did an exercise where we talked about how our life would be different one month from now, 6 months from now and 1 year from now if we applied some of the principles he was teaching in our lives.   He mentioned how talking about things in the past tense makes it like if it has already happened.  That tricks your brain into figuring out a way to actually do it.  It was pretty neat.    AFFIRMATIONS OF THE DAY:  1) I will be the first domino today and create positive change in my life. 2) The positive effects in my life create a domino effect for more positive change.  3) I chose to be grateful for the gift of today. 


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