“There’ll be two dates on your tombstone and all your friends will read ’em but all that’s gonna matter is that little dash between ’em.”
— Kevin Welch THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Today’s thought for the day comes from a couple of paragraphs from a book I am reading called, “When the game is over it all goes back in the box.” by John Ortberg. In it, he talks about the following. “You arrived on this planet one day without being consulted ahead of time. Ready or not here you came. You did not get to vote on your parents, your birthplace, your family order, or your DNA. All of these were chosen for you. You were made the bearer of a human soul, created in the image of God, destined for eternal existence. You may be very happy about having entered the world, or you may feel that your life is a crushing burden. But you should know this: God is very pleased that you exist. He “knit you together in your mother’s womb.” That year when you were born is one of his favorite years. We don’t have much say about when we will die. This is part of what gives life its urgent value. We have one shot at it. That brings us to the great question: What are you going to do with your dash? What will you do with the turns you get to play the game? That little dash is yours to spend: to shape character, to give allegiance, to chose hope or cynicism, to seize initiative or resign to passivity; to grow or stagnate, to be known or to hide. And now – ready or not – you have been given a turn. The bell has sounded. It’s your race now. What will you do with your dash?” Happy Monday! TGIM! Let’s make the most of that DASH today and every day! From Matt AFFIRMATIONS OF THE DAY: 1) I will make the most of this day. 2) Today is a special day that is like no other day that has ever been made. 3) This is the day that the Lord has made let us be glad and rejoice in it.