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Thanksgiving Week

Happy MONDAY! TGIM! MONDAYS QUOTE OF THE DAY: ""People are 25 percent happier if they keep gratitude journals, sleep one-half hour more per evening, and exercise 33 percent more each week compared to persons who are not keeping these journals.” ~ Robert A. Emmons MONDAYS THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Gratitude Works is the name of a book by Robert Emmons. I can testify to the benefits of gratitude that I practice weekly. I post 3 things I am grateful for on my Facebook page a couple of times a week.

I will just say that gratitude does work. I have personally experienced a lot of these benefits. Thanksgiving week or on Thanksgiving is a great time to think about things you are grateful for. You may have heard that: "People are 25 percent happier if they keep gratitude journals, sleep one-half hour more per evening, and exercise 33 percent more each week compared to persons who are not keeping these journals. That alone is worth the effort of being grateful but.....

Dozens of research studies with diverse participant groups have also revealed that the practice of gratitude leads to the following:

– Increased feelings of energy, alertness, enthusiasm, and vigor. Success in achieving personal goals. – Better coping with stress – Bolstered feelings of self-worth and self-confidence. Generosity and helpfulness – Improved cardiac health through increases in vagal tone. Greater sense of purpose and resilience

So… Yah…


It does a mind, body, and soul good.

Shall we practice it today? And the rest of the week? And repeat it? Let's DO this! I wish your family the warmest Thanksgiving holiday! I hope you can spend time with family and friends and eat some of your favorite foods.I like the turkey and stuffing and the pumpkin pie with COOL WHIP! What is your favorite Thanksgiving food? From Coach Matt

MONDAY AFFIRMATIONS: 1) Today I am grateful. 2) I thank God that I get to live another day. 3) I am grateful for all of God's blessings. Share the Matt's Motivational Monday love: 1) Support Matt's Motivational Monday here 2) Or share this pst with a friend who might need some motivation or encouragement this day! p.s. Check out this book if you want more information:

Gratitude Works!

A 21-Day Program for Creating Emotional Prosperity by Robert A. Emmons | Jossey-Bass © 2013 · 208 pages I’m grateful for Robert Emmons. He’s dedicated the last three decades of his life to understanding the science of how to boost our well-being. In the process, he’s conducted ground-breaking research on the power of gratitude. In fact, he’s basically THE researcher we have to thank for understanding *just* how powerful gratitude journaling is. (He's also served as editor-in-chief of The Journal of Positive Psychology.) I consider myself a reasonably grateful guy but this book has opened my eyes to JUST how powerful gratitude is. And, to just how important it is to DELIBERATELY PRACTICE it. Big Ideas we explore include: How to give yourself a 25% (!!!) boost in happiness, the top gratitude practices, the #1 obstacle to gratitude (and its remedy), and using challenges for grateful fuel!

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