Happy MONDAY! TGIM! MONDAYS QUOTE OF THE DAY: "You'll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret to your success is found in your daily routine." ~John C. Maxwell. MONDAYS THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Every once in a while I think it's fun to share my morning routine. If you have been reading my e-mails and posts for a while you might have heard this before, and it has not changed a whole lot. Without further ado, here is COACH MATT'S POWER MORNING ROUTINE: 1) Get up, get the cat up, go the bathroom, and drink some water (5 minutes) 2) Pray, meditate, read the YouVersion Bible App verse of the day, and listen to Insight time app affirmations (15 to 30 minutes) 3) Go run or workout (30 to 60 minutes) 4) Come back home, make a smoothie, make wife coffee, help kids with breakfast (10 minutes) 5) Post 3 things I am grateful for on Facebook (5 minutes) 6) Start work. This has worked consistently for me for years. I would encourage you to pick and take anything from here that works for you. You might start with say picking three things you are grateful for only. Or maybe drink some water only first thing when you wake up. Or if you are able to go or start a workout If you are not able to be consistent, that's OK. Try again the next day. Never give up. Keep on going. Keep on charging and marching towards your goals and dreams as if your life depends on it. Because it does. A goal is simply a dream with a deadline. Let’s do this day with joy! TGIM! 💪 From Coach Matt
1) I am fearfully and wonderfully made. 2) The body achieves what the mind believes. 3) Strong body. Strong mind. 4) Increased physical activity enhances positive energy. Share the Matt's Motivational Monday love: 1) Support Matt's Motivational Monday here 2) Or share this e-mail with a friend who might need some motivation or encouragement this day!