Happy Monday! I have a special contest I wanted to let you know about. I had a crazy idea. What if I do a contest and have people win a $50 Amazon gift card. Want to play? OK. If you are in, here are the details: Enter to win by earning points. Every point you earn you get you one draw into the $50 amazon gift card contest. Coach Matt, how do I get points? If you are already subscribed to my list and are pledging $1, $3, or $5 a month you get 1 point. To get more points you can do the following: 1) If you are subscribed to my email list and not pledging $1 a month – pledge $1 a month – 1 point 2) Up your pledge from $1 to $3 – Earn 2 points 3) Up your pledge from $3 to $5 – Earn 2 points 4) Get a friend to sign up for my email list – Earn 1 point 5) Get a friend to sign up for my email list and pledge $1 a month – get 2 points 6) Get a friend to sign up for my email list and pledge $3 a month – get 3 points 7) Get a friend to sign up for my email list and pledge $5 a month – earn 5 points 8) In the Spirit of Thanksgiving week – send me three things you are thankful for and earn 1 point You will have to email me at mattsmotivationalmonday@gmail.com if you get a new subscriber so I know it’s yours and so I can give you points. Or you can post here. You have now until Sunday, November 28th. I will draw and announce the will on Cyber Monday, November 29th! To sign up for my email list go here: Send all your friend to support me here: Thanks for the all the love and support. I want to try and reach more people with Matt’s Motivational Monday’s message. It would mean a lot to me to have your support and you can win $50. Cool right? Alright, let me know if you have any questions. From Coach Matt