Happy MONDAY! TGIM! QUOTE OF THE DAY: “One way to keep momentum going is to have constantly greater goals.” ~Michael Korda THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:
I recently downloaded an app called Mindset by Motiversity. It has tons of motivational audio tracks on it. If you are looking for a way to listen to motivational audio tracks on the go, I would highly recommend it. The following thoughts have come out of listening to these motivations: Life is about creating momentum.
Small improvements in your life can keep you going.
Small steps towards the life you desire can change you. How do you create this momentum Matt? Well, one of the ways is to always have a greater goal in front of you. I like to run. That’s no big secret, right? In addition, I like to have several goal races. This year was a little different because all the races were canceled. But I do have a small neighborhood organized run this coming Saturday, December 5th. So I am super excited about that.
Sometimes people ask me why I run, or I ask myself why I run and workout.
The reasons are many, but here are a few: 1) I can get better and most of all I can stay healthy and keep going.
2) If I have a bad day, I can run. If I have a good day, I can run. If I have a great day I can run. Bam! It can always be there for me.
3) I get my 15,000 daily steps in most every day and more because I like to move my body. It feels good in my mind, body, and soul to run. It changes me and helps me be better. 4) When I run or bike or workout I can access a different flow state than I can when doing anything else that I know how to do. It activates a different part of my brain than I normally use. It puts me into a different mindset. 5) Sometimes I solve problems when I run. Sometimes something spiritual happens like I feel an army of angels running with me. 6) I almost always feel better after I do it. So what drives me to keep up my momentum? All the above reasons and more. I like to run. I enjoy running with other people. And it does something in my body, mind, and soul like nothing else I know. I hope to keep running as long as I am healthy and uninjured. What ways do you have to keep the momentum going in your life?
Happy Monday! TGIM! From Coach Matt AFFIRMATIONS OF THE DAY: 1) I know I have the ability to achieve my goals in life. 2) All of my problems have solutions. 3) I am enough.