QUOTE OF THE DAY: Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Today I thought I would give you some resources that I listen to that fuel my dreams and my goals.
1) https://www.darrendaily.com/ – This guy has a video message every day of the week Monday through Friday that is sent straight to your email box. He also has an apple podcast – which I prefer because I can download them and listen to them in the car. The episode on the One Habit that will change your life is pretty good. But they are all really good.
2) I listen to the Rich Roll podcast pretty frequently too. He interviews guests in a long-form format. The episodes are often about 2 hours or so. Each week Rich delves deep into all things wellness with some of the brightest and most forward thinking, paradigm busting minds in health, fitness, nutrition, art, entertainment, entrepreneurship & spirituality. Intimate, deep and often intense, these are not interviews. They are conversations. A weekly aural dance designed to provoke, educate, inspire and empower you to discover, uncover, unlock and unleash your best, most authentic self.
3) Fearless Motivation is another great resource I watch frequently. They have a ton of videos to watch on the website and I am on their email list too.
So there you have it. Three more resources to add to your weekly list of things to subscribe to or listen to.
Finally, I wanted to say one other thing. Honestly, I am not always motivated to say go work out or go do something I know I should. I am human like the rest of you. I have days where I wake up and I am like I do not want to go work out. But I go anyway. I do the thing anyway. I face the fear anyway. I give the speech anyway. And 90% of the time I feel better after I do it. So face your fear or do your workout anyway. That’s my tip of the week.
Happy Monday! TGIM!
1) I believe in myself and my ability to succeed.
2) I am in the process of becoming the best version of myself.
3) My courage is stronger than my fear.