QUOTE OF THE DAY: Adults need 150 minutes of exercise according to the MAYO clinic and the American Heart Association.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Are you getting 150 minutes of exercise a week? Are you part of the 22% percent of Americans who are getting that amount of exercise a week?
I am an active person and tend to log 150 minutes of exercise a week. I hope that you can do that to. In fact this week I challenge you to get in that much exercise this week.
Use these affirmations below to help you get out there and exercise.
I am motivated to exercise daily.
My body and mind feel great because I exercise routinely.
I look forward to my daily exercise time.
I love to exercise.
I find it easy to stick with a fitness routine.
I make time to take care of myself, so I can stay healthy and strong.
I am important and worthy of staying healthy.
Exercising is fun, and I’m good at it.
I am naturally inclined to stay fit and move my body.
I am fit and trim.
Exercise is a habit for me.
I am flexible.
I have vast amounts of energy and enjoy expending it through physical activity.
My mood is stable and happy due to my daily exercise.
Exercising is easy and enjoyable for me.