QUOTE OF THE DAY: Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. ~ Vincent Van Gogh
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: If you remember last week I was looking for this quote and I could not find it because I was looking for a quote from Picasso. This week I found this quote on my wall at work and said oh that’s why I could not find it – it’s from Vincent Van Gogh.
Typically when I am training for say a half marathon race, I never run the full 13.1 miles in my training. I save that for race day. But the specific miles and runs I do in the 12 weeks leading up the race are strategic and purposeful both in their mile lengths and in their efforts. Therefore, great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. This is not to say that someone could on a whim run a 13.1 mile race, but is more to say things that are worth doing are worth doing right. And they come together slowly.
Great things take practice. It has been said that to master a craft it takes 10,000 hours of practice.
So in other words, don’t give up. Keep planning. Keep running. Keep doing that thing and one day things will come together and your life can become a masterpiece.
1) I find and enjoy the simple pleasures life is offering right now. 2) I am STRONG! 3) I love myself and who I am.